Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First day impressions

Well, I´ve arrived. It is warm to hot and quite humid but that also means every yard has gardens (lots of them) with lots of fruit trees, grape vines, citrus, now being harvested and beautiful views.

This morning I awoke at sunrise to roosters crowing, and an argumentative lady in the street.  When I looked out, the lady was talking to her sheep and encouraging them to follow her to their pasture.  I´m sure that will be a regular event while I´m at the residence.

Today is rest from travel plus the markets in the village.  There has also been some walking around the village of Lobao do Beira and in the event a fund raiser event in Tondela.

In these two days it has been hot and humid.  It will start to cool off in the next days and especially as I start to move north.  Iºve also made contact with Dani and his wife as well as with Miren.

Tomorrow will likely be a tour of the Douro river, Porto, etc.
Taos Sky